The Beauty in Things I Could Complain About

The Beauty in Disconnecting

April 17, 2013
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Have you ever navigated through several recorded prompts only to be told by a machine that you should call back another time and then the call is terminated?  Have you ever had a dear friend who you didn’t let one moment pass without sharing it with them and then you find yourself going years without hearing or sharing major life event with each other?  Have you ever attempted to explain and express a notion to someone and in spite of the multiple ways you have phrased it or said it, they still look at you with a look of puzzlement?  Often times when we cannot link or connect with someone as we originally intended we become irritated or saddened and then we are reminded of the Beauty: the Beauty in things evolving, the Beauty in picking up where you left off, the Beauty in getting a live person to speak to, the Beauty in accepting that some people will simply not get you, the Beauty in some things being timeless, the Beauty in disconnecting. disconnected1

The Beauty in Missing Things

January 22, 2013
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Events occur and because you cannot attend, you’re forced to watch from behind a screen of some sort.  People live great distances and because you cannot hold and see them face to face, you succumb to using technology to connect. You aim for a particular milestone and despite the efforts exerted, Imageyou don’t quite get it. The word miss begins several of its definitions whether it be missing a meeting, missing a friend, or missing a mark as a failure to …a failure to make an appointment, a failure to see a loved one.  Often times, the word failure and more so, the feeling of failing could encapsulate you and mere missing can develop into debilitating sadness, but then you are reminded of the Beauty: the Beauty in when one door closes, another opens, the Beauty in technological advancement, the Beauty in rescheduling; the Beauty in trying again, the Beauty in setting new goals, the Beauty in missing things.